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Daniel Zwilling

Daniel Zwilling photo Daniel Zwilling
  • Black Belt
My name is Professor Danny and I have been practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu since 2012.  I've been lucky enough to share my Jiu-Jitsu with others as a coach for around 8 years now.
During that time I have primarily trained under well respected 3rd Degree BJJ Black Belt and MMA Veteran Professor Brock Larson, who awarded me my own Black Belt in 2021. 
BJJ as an artform places it's emphasis on Position, Defense, Leverage, Timing and Technique; making it well suited for a wide variety of body types, ages and and athletic abilities.  I look forward to working with each and every one of you on the mats!
I love sharing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with others.  Whether your primary goals include competition, self-defense, physical fitness, or just personal growth, I hope you will allow me the opportunity to share everything there is to get out of one of the most rewarding activities in the entire world.